
SNN: 一个不一样的中国留学生故事- "Student with Muscles"学生搬家公司的背后

2017-04-27 SNN CAAOC一SNNnews

SNN学生记者Tom Gao 报道  

        日前,在一个“新旧物品交流平台”的微信群中,有位网友给大家推荐了一个UCI学生成立的搬家公公司—"Student with Muscles",并介绍说,“小伙子不错,搬家负责任”。考虑到之前网上不久前还说有个别UCI华人学生在校园内炫富的说法,SNN学生记者特别联系到了"Student with Muscles"的微信号并采访到了这家学生搬家公司背后的主角,本意是希望通过采访让更多人了解多样化的UCI华人学生生活,结果没有想到的是,这家搬家公司的背后其实有更多让人感动的故事。


A few days ago, a member in a Wechat group recommended others a moving company founded by UCI students , which is called "Student with Muscles". Considered about that recent news of some Chinese students showing off their wealth in UCI campus, SNN student journalists got contact with the Wechat account and had an interview with the main character behind the moving company. SNN wanted to show more diversification of  UCI Chinese students, but SNN student journalist ended up found some more stories behind the moving company.


    学生搬家公司的主角:  UCI大三学生刘晓奇 

        刘晓奇,是一个来自广东的大男孩,来跟SNN学生记者见面时直接开来了一辆他们搬家用的业务车辆之一—一辆学生车中较为少见的皮卡小货车,给SNN学生记者的初见印象是:“身材虽然不高,不过身段还挺壮,外形看起来还算符合其搬家公司的形象"Student with Muscles"!”

    刘晓奇介绍说,他过来UCI一年多时间, 目前就读于UCI的三年级,之前是在北加州的一个社区大学就读,去年通过考试转学到了UCI,对于SNN记者担心的大学课程是否紧张问题,刘晓奇表示:“三年级的课程也还算可以,不算特别紧张,其实之前前两年适应过来,大学的课程没有网上有些人介绍的那么可怕”。“其实,目前我们的搬家业务也不是很繁忙,因此还忙得过来”。



Xiaoqi Liu came from Guangdong, China, coming to the interview with SNN student journalist, he drove a pickup truck, which he used as one of the moving vehicles. His first impression to SNN journalists is that though he is not that tall, but looks like that he is strong, really like the image of the moving company "Student with Muscles".


Xiaoqi introduced to SNN journalist that he just came to UCI for a little bit for more than a year, now he is a student in third grade at UCI, before he came, he was from a community college in Northern California. Last year he passed the examination and transferred to UCI. When SNN journalist asks about whether the university courses are tense or not, he replied, "The courses in third grade are OK, not very tense. In fact, after the first two years, the courses are not as terrible as some people describe.And our moving business are not very busy either, I could handle both of them."


At the beginning of SNN journalist's contact with Xiaoqi, his introduction of his moving company is like this, "We are the moving company founded by Irvine students. We want to start a career in the foreign country. We will do all we could do to be the best, hope others could help us as much as possible." But as the more contact SNN journalist have to him, SNN journalist found out that it is not as simple as we think it is, why did a student found a moving company? There must be some reasons, later SNN journalist found out that the establishment of moving company have a lot to do with a dog.


      幕后的主角: 一只名字叫做ENZO的狗狗



    事情要从2014年说起,一直关爱小动物的刘晓奇在facebook上发现了台湾有个公益组织在拯救狗狗,其中一个办法就是在Facebook介绍让世界各地的爱心人士认养。刘晓奇经过了解发现,台湾的流浪狗很多,而且台湾的动物救助中心基本都是狗满为患,没有办法的话,如果7天没有人领养的一些流浪狗狗甚至会被“安乐死”,了解这种情况之后,对刘晓奇的触动很大,于是他此后一直在关注台湾流浪狗的救助,后来这个公益组织的一名成员李美兰在其facebook发文呼吁救助一条患病流浪狗狗就是Enzo,这条狗狗患有并不多见的疾病-Hips dysplasia,刘晓奇介绍说,就是两条腿盆骨都突出,腿没有力气,走路跑步都不行,需要动手术切骨头加强肌肉包裹来加强狗狗腿部力量才可以让狗狗走得更好。 

    刚开始是这条狗狗筹款做手术,2014月4月份刘晓奇和朋友捐了大约2000多元,给ENZO做了一个手术。后来台湾方面介绍说Enzo手术后有所好转但是一直没有人认养,于是刘晓奇决定认养Enzo,当时是9月份正好有个朋友的朋友从台湾过来,于是刘晓奇花了500美金让朋友帮忙搭乘中华航空把Enzo运来美国 。然而过来加州后,刘晓奇发现Enzo不止是原来的毛病没有好完全,居然还有膝盖的毛病Arthritis(关节炎),而且暂时没有很好的治疗办法,Enzo现在还是靠药物在抑制他膝盖上的疼痛,由于体重比之前更重一些,腿部更疼,脚甚至不能支持它的身体,走路更加吃力,刘晓奇说,“早上起来Enzo自己都站不起来,需要按摩好一会他才可以站起来”。据刘晓奇介绍,他带着Enzo看过几次医生,目前还在服用止痛药物,从医生哪里了解到Enzo目前需要做一些复健就是护理,然后才能手术,而在手术过后也是需要一段时间的康复治疗。

This is the dog who made Xiaoqi start the moving company. You might not notice from the photo, but this dog suffered from his disease for many years.


The story began in 2014, Xiaoqi noticed a non-profit organization helping and saving stray dogs.on Facebook. One of the ways the organization do to help dogs is giving information about stray dogs on Facebook and see if anyone is going to adopt them. After Xiaoqi's research, he found out that there are so many stray dogs in Taiwan, and almost all of the animal care centers were full. Euthanasia was even used to some dogs if they were not adopted within 7 days. Understanding this shocked Xiaoqi, so he kept focusing on movements of helping stray dogs.Then a member from the non-profit organization post a message on Facebook calling people to help a stray dog named Enzo, Enzo was suffering from a disease called Hips dysplasia, two of his bones on his hip stick out from his skin. Enzo's legs have no strength, could not run at all. For that, Enzo had to help him do a surgery to cut off those bones. In April, 2014, Xiaoqi and his friends donated about ¥2000 (about $300) for the surgery. After the surgery, Enzo got a bit better, but still nobody wanted to adopt it, so Xiaoqi decided to do so. He adopted Enzo and spent $500 to transfer it to California. After he really saw Enzo, he realized that Enzo's disease was even worse. Enzo not only have the problems with bones, but his knees also have some problems-Arthritis. That made him cannot even stand up his own in the morning, Xiaoqi need to help him a bit so he could stand up. Xiaoqi took Enzo to the doctor a several times, doctor said that Enzo needs to adjust his body before doing the surgery, and after the surgery he still need to do some recovery treatment.





    “从2014年4月份捐款动手术,到2014年9月份接到狗狗,然后再到现在”,刘晓奇介绍说,“我已经跟Enzo一起三年了. 三年了 我的同学都去过别的地方玩,我基本没有怎么去过很远的地方,我到哪里都需要带着它,自己也没有可能去很远的地方,因为照顾Enzo还是有些难度,我曾经试着给别人照顾,但是一般照顾不好,回来一看往往是腿更加不好了”。

    可能是谈多了Enzo的现状,刘晓奇语气听得出来很伤感,“ 我目前唯一的希望就是尽可能地好好照顾它,原来台湾那边告诉我说它只有5岁,我原来的期望是它能完全康复的,现在听医生介绍说 Enzo应该有10多岁了”,“医生说狗狗的综合情况没有很好”,说到这里,表面平静的刘晓奇已经都有些哽咽,“我感觉越是这样子,就是我的责任很多,当然以后只会更加怜爱它”。


"After I met Enzo in September 2014, I have been with him for three years. In those three years, almost all my classmates traveled to different places, but I rarely went anywhere far,because I have to take care of Enzo, wherever I go, I must bring him. And taking care of Enzo is kind of hard. I tried to let my friend take care of him, but when I came back,Enzo's leg often got worse." Xiaoqi said.


"The only thing I could do is take good care of Enzo now. The organization in Taiwan told me that he was only 5 years old, so I hoped that he could recover completely. But here the doctor said that he is about 10 or more years old, and his health condition is not very good."Xiaoqi felt really sad when he talks about Enzo's current situation, but he continued, "I felt like the worse Enzo's condition is, the more responsibilityis on me. I will love Enzo more, and take good care of it."



    为什么选中做搬家筹款呢?刘晓奇介绍说,另外的一个直接原因其实是看到朋友介绍给他的一辆大型箱式货车,朋友正出售这辆货车,价格远低于车的价值, 于是感觉搬家来钱快、脑袋一热就买过来这辆货车成立搬家公司。


    即使这样子,有时候会连续好几天也没有业务,周五见面时刘晓奇跟SNN学生记者表示,“这个周六周日估计会有点业务”,为了搬家业务,刘晓奇特意留起了胡须,“不想让人感觉到自己太年轻,搬家公司需要成熟一点的形象吧?”, 毕竟学生需要上课,如果遇到业务电话怎么办呢?刘晓奇介绍说,如果来电话恰好是上课时间 ,自己通常会回复过去信息,“不过之前给客户的回信一般都是:"目前在忙搬家,等会忙完了给你回电话" ,学生搬家其实也很无奈,不能直接跟人家说自己在上课吧,只能显示下业务很多,需要预约一下时间”,刘晓奇说,“一般的业务都尽量安排在下课后或者没有课的时间进行”。


When SNN journalist asks about the establishment of the moving company, Xiaoqi introduced that during these three years, Enzo suffered a lot. Now the only thing he could give Enzo to take is painkillers, “Doing the surgery and the recovery will take a lot of money and specially the recovery treatment, it would take more than $10000. Xiaoqi did not have enough money for that, how to raise money had been a big problem for him. So the establishment of the moving company was mainly for raising money for Enzo's surgery and recovery. Another reason is that he saw a box truck his friend introduced to him that someone was selling and the price was much lower than its actual price. So he just brought it and had the idea of founding a moving company.


"With the two pickup trucks from my friends, now we have three trucks and four to five students helping me. We had almost no influences, so the only thing we can do is to give a low price. Our Large truck is $60 per hour, two hours start while other's large truck is $70-80 per hour, two hours start.  Our pickup trucks are much cheaper than others too." Even like that, sometimes Xiaoqi does not have even a single business for days. During the interview on Friday, he told SNN student journalist that he has a business on Sunday. Xiaoqi kept a beard, he said, "I do not want others to feel that Iam too young, a moving company should leave a mature image to the customers."He is still a student, so whenever he got a business call during class, his phone reply back a message saying that he is busy . "That is the only thing I could do," he said, he could not just tell customers that he is in class, so he told them that he is busy and arrange all the business after class.














电话是+1 (650) 830-1808  微信号:yourmanleon


     本文记者:Tom GaoSNN学生记者团成员,RANCHO MIDDLE SCHOOL 8年级学生。男,美食家,重度强迫症患者,痴迷游戏,有时打网球。




